Category: Archaeology

Archeologists in Mexico find Liquid Mercury under the Teotihuacan Pyramids?

Archaeologists recently announced the discovery of large quantities of mercury at the entrance of a burial chamber sixty feet below the pre-Aztec city of Teotihuacan. The find is a recent development in a six year-long excavation of the ruins of the Pyramid of the Plumed… Continue Reading “Archeologists in Mexico find Liquid Mercury under the Teotihuacan Pyramids?”

Luxor Temple complex in Egypt

Constructed over hundreds of years by Amenhotep III, Ramses II, Tutankhamun, and other pharaohs, Luxor Temple was the largest and most significant religious center in ancient Egypt. In what was then Thebes, Luxor Temple was the place of the First Occasion, where the god… Continue Reading “Luxor Temple complex in Egypt”

The Truth about King Tut’s Curse over his British Grave Robbers

When Howard Carter disrespectfully opened the tomb of King Tutankhamun in 1922, as per History, the world around the event went a little bonkers. What could be more intriguing than a bunch of rooms full of glittering treasure, buried under the sands of the… Continue Reading “The Truth about King Tut’s Curse over his British Grave Robbers”

Indus Valley Civilization, Culture and Cuisine

One of the great civilizations of the ancient world, the Indus valley civilization flourished 5,000 years ago in the valley of the river Indus. Twice as extensive as its contemporary civilizations–the Old Kingdom of Egypt and the Sumerian city-states of Ur and Lagash–it was… Continue Reading “Indus Valley Civilization, Culture and Cuisine”

The Lost Underwater City of Dwarka

India is a diverse nation with complex geography and sets an example for the world with its various cultures and traditions. In India, there are many ancient and great temples around the nation, each with its own set of customs, rituals and traditions. It… Continue Reading “The Lost Underwater City of Dwarka”

History of Gold, Diamonds and Oil-rich Venezuela

Venezuela was one of three countries that emerged from the collapse of Gran Colombia in 1830 and was separated from Ecuador and New Granada, which became Colombia. For most of the first half of the 20th century, Venezuela was ruled by US promoted military… Continue Reading “History of Gold, Diamonds and Oil-rich Venezuela”

Is the Ark of the Covenant kept in Ethiopia

The Ark of the Covenant was definitely real and was a part of the tabernacle, being placed in the Holy of Holies behind the curtain. It will include articles from three Bible Dictionaries that will give you some information. There has been much speculation… Continue Reading “Is the Ark of the Covenant kept in Ethiopia”

Israel targeted Central Archives of Gaza City to destroy Palestinian Identity

The head of Gaza Municipality said, Wednesday, that Israel destroyed the Central Archives which contained thousands of historical documents dating more than 150 years. Targeting the Central Archives poses a great danger to the city, as it contains thousands of historically valuable documents for… Continue Reading “Israel targeted Central Archives of Gaza City to destroy Palestinian Identity”

Book of Enoch describing “The Downfall of Humanity” banned from the Bible

The book of Enoch is an ancient Hebrew apocalyptic text filled with other-worldly creatures like demons, giants, angels, a devastating flood, and a warning to all mankind. So, why does this insightful book not appear in the Bible as we know it? The Book… Continue Reading “Book of Enoch describing “The Downfall of Humanity” banned from the Bible”

Obelisks were transmitting energy for Pyramid Power Plants

The most commonly accepted theory is that the Great Pyramid at Giza was a tomb for the fourth dynasty Egyptian Pharoah Khufu or Cheops (two different versions of the same name). However, there are a disturbing number of features about the Great Pyramid that… Continue Reading “Obelisks were transmitting energy for Pyramid Power Plants”

What are Archangels?

The term “Archangel,” which denotes an angel of high rank who commands other angels, doesn’t actually have a Hebrew equivalent in Jewish Scriptures. The book of Daniel, however, mentions two angels by name, Gabriel and Michael, and refers to Michael as a sar, which… Continue Reading “What are Archangels?”

8 Ancient Chinese Inventions the West had never Imagined

According to the statistics provided by the World Economic Forum, nowadays China can boast its position as the world’s second largest spender on scientific research and development, yielding only to the United States. Yet, surprisingly enough, China is not only a producer but also… Continue Reading “8 Ancient Chinese Inventions the West had never Imagined”

Indus Valley Civilization, Culture and Cuisine

One of the great civilizations of the ancient world, the Indus valley civilization flourished 5,000 years ago in the valley of the river Indus. Twice as extensive as its contemporary civilizations–the Old Kingdom of Egypt and the Sumerian city-states of Ur and Lagash–it was… Continue Reading “Indus Valley Civilization, Culture and Cuisine”