Nigeria bringing back the Zombie Trans-Saharan Gas Pipeline

Nigeria’s oil industry has been confronted with a plethora of challenges, endless litigation, social unrest, majors regularly mulling a country exit, and all this against the background of a genuine societal demand to make oil revenues more equitable, more accessible and transparent for the Nigerians themselves.

The recently adopted Petroleum Bill might be utilized to the resuscitation of NNPC, the soon-to-be full-blown national oil company, or the restart of the country’s idled refineries, there is every reason to believe that Nigeria might mis-allocate the solid momentum that it currently has.

The Trans-Saharan gas pipeline is essentially composed of two separate projects, one that would link the country’s gas-rich south to the populous areas of the north and one that would see Nigeria’s gas being exported to generate much-needed currency.

Considering the socio-economical importance of the intra-Nigerian conduit, especially so that President Buhari hails from the north, construction works on the Ajaokuta-Kaduna-Kano pipeline (often abbreviated as AKK) started last year so the idea was really about finding a potential continuation thereof.

The public utterances of Nigeria’s Oil Minister Timipre Sylva insinuate concerns with regards to the entire pipeline’s viability, having stated that if the federal government “can get it to Kano, it can (just as well) continue all the way to Algeria”, insinuating that the government sees even the intra-Nigerian pipeline section as fraught with risks.

The reasons for Nigeria to push for such projects is fairly straightforward, Africa’s most populous country is well-endowed with oil and gas reserves, however the intra-national allocation of those hydrocarbons is oftentimes shaky as half of the populace lacks stable power supply.

Crudely put, Nigeria would be much better off if it could extract and market its gas reserves which heretofore were mostly either flared or just left undeveloped.

Needless to say, the lost revenue from burning away natural gas is massive, estimated by Price Waterhouse Coopers to total $0.8-1 billion on average per year.

The Nigerian government estimates its own gas reserves at 203 TCf (5.85 TCm), meaning that roughly 3% of global gas reserves are located in Nigeria and most of them have heretofore been flared.

At the same time, Nigeria’s nationwide consumption stands at around 700 BCf per year (slightly below 20 BCm), equivalent to 40% of the country’s total output.

The reasons why the Trans-Saharan Pipeline is sub-commercial are plentiful, yet it is always worth it to reiterate the main arguments.

First and foremost, there is almost no way Nigeria can guarantee the security of the pipeline all the way through the territory of Niger and southern Algeria, a region as impossible to control as one can only get through.

Nigeria cannot even properly control its own territory with the CIA backed Boko Haram insurgency remaining an ever-present threat after more than 12 years.

Second, the pipeline was initiated when gas prices were still predominantly pegged to oil prices and has not been dovetailed to the realities of today’s gas trading.

Third, even in the 2000’s the pipeline’s price tag was assumed to be north of $20 billion; with NNPC as strained as a national oil company can get, funding for such an adventurous endeavor would be allowed to come from the Zionist oil giants.

The strained financial stature of NNPC brings us to the fourth weakness of the Trans-Saharan Pipeline, but its reliance on Chinese financing could change that.

Nigerian authorities understand well enough that they need external sources of funding – that is why the Nigerian section of the pipeline was to be financed by the Bank of China and Sinosure, the two reportedly committing $2.6 billion towards the project.

This has prompted NNPC to start working on the AKK pipeline, presenting it as new form of a debt-equity financing model that could render it economically viably, yet the Chinese help never arrived.

Media reports emerging lately seems to insinuate that Chinese financial institutions do not want to expose themselves too much with such a risky endeavor and NNPC has started seeking out other potential project partners to keep the ball rolling.

At the same time, the Algerian-Nigerian relationship can hardly be described as cloudless.

In the late-2000’s Algerian officials even went as far as to ask NNPC to prove its gas reserves, demanding a third-party assessment which, of course, was not received very well by Algeria’s Yar’Adua administration.

Nigeria simultaneously launching the same project towards two potential partner countries, Morocco and Algeria. The two nations had a very strained relationship, aggravated by a long-standing dispute over the future of Western Sahara.

Its main problem is the incongruity between whatever is written in official documents, policy papers and government manifestos implemented by bribing Western oil companies which control the reality of corrupted day-to-day operations.

Oil / ABC Flash Point OPEC News 2021.

One Comment on “Nigeria bringing back the Zombie Trans-Saharan Gas Pipeline

  1. Good initiative, because the shipping carbon footprint is many time larger and costlier than the usual transportation forms.


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