How the True Creator is undoing and dismantling the NWO Virtual Reality

Although the NWO is in the early stages of implementation, the foundation was laid millennia ago, by the ones ruling the institutions and/or control the worldwide puppet  governments.

It appeared ever so slowly and aspects of it seem to be unrelated, but it moves forward, involving various facets of life, such as: health, legal, financial, political, communication, media, marketing, education, social, trading, military, police and other systems.

The NWO will not happen overnight. The ruling elite is altering peoples’ health and structure in preparation for the implementation of the NWO.

Thoughts are being modified through all the services, activities and bombardments directed especially at the youth, who will be the examples for the NWO.

One thing has led to another, and, finally, the stage is ready for the implementation of the early stages of the NWO.

Terrorism has changed security systems and brought about the demands for obedience of the law and resulted in divisions of various nationalities and races of the world.

The United Nations and other national composite associations are being used to implement the NWO.

What will emerge will be self-appointed bullies over certain nations, who will take power much like schoolyard bullies overpower their classmates. Bullies will increase in all fields and at all levels.

Bullying will be the norm in the workplace, schools, organizations and on the streets. The very young are now learning to bully their classmates, which behavior is condoned. Older people are also encouraged and even rewarded for bullying.

The whole system is going mad. People are openly rude and disrespectful. Hating, bullying, looting and marauding are directly or indirectly encouraged by the system and by the socio-political environment.

The minds of people are changing. What we are seeing is reminiscent of the Anunnaki mentality and behavior before the collapse of their own social systems a long time ago.

Humans, animals and plants have been slowly poisoned and modified in various ways over the years until now, when it is time for more specific mind control and physical restraint.

For example, the alien force has begun implementing particular mind-control beams targeting certain travelers in Victoria, Queensland and New South Wales in Australia.

Specific areas in Australia have been reserved for the higher echelon of the ruling elite. Already, a particular shire in Queensland has been selected to house a huge prison, four times the size of any other prison in the state.

Retired military and police are being encouraged and programmed to re-locate to the shire. Many more will soon be getting the “call” to move to the shire to be standby personnel for the NWO.

Prisons are being constructed in anticipation of resistance to the elimination of freedom as the NWO is implemented.

However, with all the increased programming for obeying the authorities being played repeatedly, it is doubtful that there will be much resistance to the NWO in Australia.

The programming can cause sleepiness, lack of concentration, irritability, sickness, all of which contribute to accidents and road rage, giving more excuse for greater police presence. More importantly, the programming also influences the mindsets of the victims.

It is worth mentioning that nearly all of the agents of the NWO do not even suspect what is happening.

For instance, police are programmed to believe that lower speed limits will reduce accidents and they are further programmed to want to increase revenues for the government by booking people for exceeding those speed limits.

Military personnel are programmed to believe that they are needed in foreign and domestic situations to help maintain a “better” world, and they are further programmed to abuse, torture and even kill any that interfere with this “better” world.

This is a very secret conspiracy, and very few agents of Darkness are entrusted with substantial parts of the plans.

The demiurges are very fearful of rebellion and overthrow by underlings. It is for this reason that nearly all False-Light beings are only given information on a “need-to-know” basis.

True-Light beings who are trapped in this Virtual Reality are restricted from receiving information due to the filtering systems imposed by Darkness to keep all beings ignorant.

True-Light beings are able to connect with the True Creator, despite the obstructions erected by Darkness, but such connections are not always easy, and do not last long in this realm of Darkness.

Physical relocation may not be feasible for everyone and one can gain inner strength from wherever one is located and in whatever situation one finds oneself, whether it be a war-torn country, a NWO infested area or a disaster prone territory.

Some of you may be inflicted with illnesses, injuries or other traumas. Understanding that the physical shell is only temporary and is not the real you can assist you to let go of the fears that bind you to this Virtual Reality.

People are being encouraged to turn one another in to the authorities for anything that is suspicious and might be considered as terrorist activity. Whether the accusations are true or unfounded is basically irrelevant.

What is important to the ruling elite is that people are turning in others for mere suspicions.

Travel will get more and more expensive, difficult and dangerous. Limits are being reduced on the basis that there are more accidents occurring, especially on the roads mapped out as NWO routes.

Oil prices are being manipulated in order to restrict travel and for other reasons. If this continues to escalate, very few people will be able to afford to travel overseas.

Those who can travel will be the rich and the privileged classes that are given advantages because they are favored by the Zionist system. Concentrated localities have been slated for the most control. Many things are going on simultaneously.

The air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, the sounds we hear around us can all be impregnated with various programming agents to help bring about the NWO.

The introduction of various seen and unseen things, audible and inaudible sounds that affect humans and animals, are molding people into certain categories of controllability. This is very real!

What is horrifying is that people are not aware of what is going on in and around them. This includes most of the agents who are ignorantly doing their alien masters’ bidding.

Most people are not aware that they are being affected, manipulated, used, controlled, influenced and subjugated against their wills.

he mind energy of people has been reduced and modified to such a great extent that they will be like robots, carrying out actions according to which buttons are being pressed to activate them.

In addition to controlling the physical world, the Anunnaki also control the astral world, so death is not a solution to what is rapidly approaching. Ironically, the living may envy the dead, yet the dead will envy the living.

Darkness will try to make True-Light beings lose confidence in their True Divine identities.

It is a crucial time to hold onto one’s Will and trust inwardly that the True Creator loves us despite our outward crude appearances and is rescuing us as quickly and painlessly as possible under the horrific circumstances.

Fear is a powerful, crippling agent. Fear can paralyze a person, destroy confidence and change one’s outlook. Fear can remove one’s focus and steer one off course. Fear can indeed do many destructive things.

Fear of poverty, loneliness, sickness, death, losing loved ones, injury, incapacity and other worries make up some of the ingredients of fear. Horror is used by Darkness to bring about fear.

Many have noted that Hollywood, television and other media now employ a lot of horror in their productions.

You have the power to overcome these artificially imposed fears in this world of Darkness simply by being a being of Light, a child of the True Creator.

Once you realize that your True Creator loves you and has resolved to Liberate you from this suffering, you can overcome these programmed fears (weaknesses) imposed upon you and you will begin to cope better.

These situations may or may not exist in your life, or may not have occurred yet. If your life is not crippled by them, you will be better able to cope even if you are not able to totally overcome your fears.

Once you have overcome your fears, you will realize that every child of Light is a warrior of True Love, Light and Power. This warrior ship is one of Love, Light, Power, Justice, Wisdom, Inner Strength and Perseverance.

It has nothing to do with the bloodthirsty, deceitful, murderous, cannibalistic, hateful, jealous, cruel, vengeful, power-hungry, controlling, exploitative, warring, covetous warrior ship sponsored by Darkness.

Connecting with the True Creator does not require a mediator, a church, an assembly, a congregation or a mentor. Inner Strength comes from within. Through sincere personal “desire” to reach out to the Creator, one can take the first step towards connection with the Light.

The rest will follow naturally as the Creator pulls you out of Darkness. This is very different from the haughty claims some make about being able to contact the Divine directly because they arrogantly believe that they are better and more spiritually advanced than others.

Fear of “god” is an Anunnaki imposition. They project “miracles” and visions to make the flesh-and-blood Anunnaki appear to be deities. They demand repentance and worship of them. They demand shrines, altars, sacrifices and atonement. They threaten to punish those who disobey them. They are ghouls, not gods.

What is important is that you re-connect with your Creator by sincerely wanting to do so and not give your Will over to Darkness. The rest will fall into place naturally.

Human are Free / ABC Flash Point News 2020.

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