Palestinian president to seek UN resolution to protect 2-state solution

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said Sunday Palestine will seek a UN Security Council resolution to protect the two-state solution.

Addressing a conference hosted by the Arab League in the Egyptian capital Cairo on providing support to the city of Jerusalem, Abbas called on Israel to abide by UN resolutions and signed agreements with the Palestinians.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas attends the 43rd Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Summit in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia on December 09, 2022. [Royal Court of Saudi Arabia - Anadolu Agency]

We will go to the United Nations and its different agencies, including the Security Council, to counter the Israeli practices that violated all red lines.

We will demand the issuance of a resolution for protecting the two-state solution by granting Palestine full UN membership, and halting Israel’s unilateral actions, atop of which is the settlement building.

We will call for abidance by the signed agreements and UN resolutions and for holding an international peace conference. The Palestinian leader went on to call for Arab and Islamic support to the Palestinians in the city of Jerusalem.

Supporting Jerusalem and strengthening the steadfastness of those staying there and in its environs is a religious duty and a humanitarian and national imperative.

This weekends conference was endorsed by the last Arab summit, which was hosted by Algeria in November. Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and Jordanian King Abdullah II are taking part in the meeting along with representatives of international and UN agencies.

Jerusalem remains at the heart of the Israel-Palestine conflict, with Palestinians hoping that East Jerusalem – now occupied by Israel – might eventually serve as the capital of a Palestinian state.

In January 2021, the Israeli human rights organization B’Tselem declared that Israel imposes apartheid on the people of occupied Palestine, prompting other organizations to be more vocal about the colonial violence experienced by the Palestinians.

Politically, the apartheid designation is failing to gain ground, as evidenced by the EU’s recent refusal to describe Israel through the internationally-recognized legal definition of apartheid, which is akin to a crime against humanity.

While it is clear that Israel’s war crimes are ongoing rather than isolated bouts of violence, the EU’s approach consists of the absolute minimum focus on normalized atrocities against the Palestinian people.

The two-state compromise has allowed Israel ample time to further its territorial ambitions to control what remains of Palestine.

If the EU, which prides itself on illusory state-building in Palestine, continues to avail itself of the defunct premise, it may as well admit, unequivocally, that the bloc stands up for Israel’s colonization of Palestinian territory and, as a result of colonization, for the ongoing displacement of the Palestinian people.

The EU’s Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell thinks is not appropriate about calling out Israel’s Apartheid policies?

In 2017, Haaretz reported former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak as warning that the state was heading for a slippery slope of Apartheid. He had issued a similar warning as long ago as 2010.

Moreover, Zionist Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu declared in December Israel’s exclusivity in terms of it being a Jewish state: The Jewish people have an exclusive and inalienable right to all parts of the Land of Israel.

The government will promote and develop the settlement of all parts of the Land of Israel — in the Galilee, the Negev, the Golan Heights and Judea and Samaria.

If Israel is endowing itself with apartheid policies as of inalienable right, through which it will prevail and finalize the colonization project to which the EU has proven itself to be so partial, then Borrell should have no difficulty declaring his allegiance.

After all, the EU’s purportedly pro-Palestine stance has repeatedly been exposed as a fraudulent farce.

Middle East Monitor / ABC Flash Point News 2023.

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